The dates for the 2012 AFFA Competition are:

Many heartfelt thanks to everyone who has participated in, helped, supported and enjoyed the 2012 AFFA Competition!

Remember; this competition takes into account a wide and varied range of participants and works. Not everyone likes the same things, thinks the same way or votes for the same reasons. Therefore, if your work did not rate as highly as you hoped please don’t take it as a slight against you personally or the quality of your work. The day you created a piece that you were happy and proud enough of to share with our fandom community, you won.

A few points to consider, that may or may not help if you are feeling a little down if your own, or your favourite, work did not fare as well as you had hoped. Or if you just have an interest in random factoids;

97 separate works were nominated and accepted into the AFFA competition this year, from 40 different authors.

10 people submitted valid nominations. The most number of nominations in any one submission was 52. The least number of nominations in any one submission was 1.

10 people submitted valid voting ballots, 4 of those submitted votes for works in all 16 categories. The least number of votes submitted on any one ballot was 1.