Welcome on the Adult FanFic Competition site.

This site is the home of the TMNT Adult fan fiction competition. It's free for all to visit and read, just as the competition it is made for. The only rule for this site is that you have to be 18 years or older to read the things on this site, and the fics we link to.

The Competition for 2012 has ended and the results are up.

The dates for the 2012 Competition are:

Nomination Window - Sun, March 03 to Sun, March 17
Preparation Window - Mon, March 18 to Sun, March 24
Reading Window - Mon, March 25 to Sun, April 7
Voting Window - Mon, April 08 to Sun, April 22

The Rules and FAQ's can be found on the sidebar under 'Info & FAQ's. A few things have changed since past years, so it couldn't hurt to look them over even if you already do know them. And be sure to notice we've overhauled the categories this year, so be sure to read those over too.

Please, if you spot any errors on the site or have any concerns, report them by using the contact form on this site.